Fluid Mechanics

 Differential Manometer (Numericals 2):

Q 1: A piezometer was connected to a pipe to measure the pressure of water. The rise of water level in piezometer was 150 mm. Calculate the pressure of water. 
[Ans = 1471.5 N/m2]

Q 2: Pressure in a pipe carrying oil (Specific Gravity 0.92) is 20 kN/m2. A piezometer is connected to the pipe. Find the rise of liquid level in the piezometer. 

[Ans = 2.21 m]

Q 3: A U-tube manometer is connected to a pipe for measuring the pressure of oil (Specific gravity 0.92) flowing in the pipeline. Mercury (Specific gravity 13.6) is used as manometer liquid and the difference of mercury level in the two limbs is 200 mm. The centre of pipe is 80 mm below the level of mercury in the right limb. Determine the pressure in the pipeline and the head.  

[Ans: 23.55 kN/m2]

Q 4: The pressure of water in a domestic supply line was measured using manometer shown in the figure. Derive the equation for head and determine the pressure.  

 [Ans: h= 1.99 m, p = 19.52 kN/m2]

Q 5: Negative pressure in a water pipe was measured using U-tube manometer containing mercury (Specific gravity 13.6). The left limb was connected to the water pipe and right limb was exposed to the atmosphere. Height of water upto centre of pipe in the left limb was 30 mm. Difference between the mercury levels in the two limbs was 50 mm. Determine the vacuum pressure in the pipe and also derive the equation used.

[Ans: h= -0.710 m, p = -6.965 kN/m2]

Q 6: A vertical column micro manometer is connected to a pipe containing oil of specific gravity 0.92. The ratio of area of reservoir to that of vertical column is 150. Calculate the oil pressure in the pipe. 

[Ans: h= 7.98 m, p = 78.28 kN/m2]

Q 7: Difference in pressure in pipe at two points A and B was measured using a differential manometer. The specific gravity of oil in the pipe is 0.85. If the difference in the mercury level in the two limbs is 200 mm, calculate the pressure difference.

[Ans: h= 2.55 m, p = 25.01 kN/m2]

Q 8: Pressure difference in a water pipe at two points A and B was measured using a differential manometer. If the difference in the mercury level in the two limbs is 50 mm, calculate the pressure difference between two points.

 [Ans: h= 0.63 m, p = 6.18 kN/m2]

Q 9: A U-tube differential manometer is connected to two pipes at A and B. Pipe A Contains oil of Specific Gravity 0.92 and pipe B is carrying water. If the pressure at point A is 125 kN/m2 find the pressure at point B.

 [Ans: h= -3.098 m, p = 30.39 kN/m2]

Q 10: An inverted tube differential manometer having an oil of specific gravity 0.9 is connected to two different pipes carrying water under pressure. Determine the pressure in the pipe B. The pressure in pipe A is 2 m of water.

 [Ans: h= 1.88 m, p = 18.44 kN/m2]


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